
1) Website development of any complexity:

Website development from IWS.BY

The main activity of the web-studio IWS.By – development of websites of any complexity. The difference from other web-studios is the low price. Yes, we develop sites on a low cost budget, which will allow you to save on site development and get a quality product, as a great web-studio. On the “portfolio” page you can see our completed work. Before ordering advice: collect terms of reference, select sites you would like to use as an example, as well as contact our experts by contacts from the cap of the site or a special form. After contacting a specialist, you will be sure that the price is lower than that of other web-studios. Just a good communication, you can get a discount when ordering the development site. Remember: the website is the face of the company, your face on the Internet, because without it you will not be promoted, and in the modern 21st century, without a website is no way.

2) Filling with content:

Content filling from IWS.BY

The filling of the site is a complex of works, filling your website with information. Under filling we understand: filling ready-made content pages, filling your online store with goods. Just at this point made and gathering information: the collection of data in exel – a file, a collection of links, sites and other necessary materials. For the cost of this service is difficult to answer immediately, since each customer has its own scope of work, its own order, the site is filled to its own. All this is required for the site on a mandatory basis, customers and visitors come to your site to get information, not just for the beautiful design. The peculiarity of our web-studio is that we will take up a small amount of work, not everyone has a fresh site without information, sites with information and require maintenance and filling.

3) Website Maintenance:

Website maintenance from IWS.BY

Maintenance – a complex of works carried out in relation to the site, carrying its change, promotion, supplement and administration. We monitor the performance of sites, react to performance problems in the shortest possible time, keep clean and tidy. Usually in this point there is a monitoring of the domain, hosting, to make everything work, the treatment of viral scripts, programs, changes to the site on request. This is accompanied by monitoring of the site on the Internet, how many pages in the search engines Yandex and Google, the behavior of visitors to the site, their analysis. By your request we can back up your site in case it is hacked.

4) Other services:

Other services from IWS.BY

Also, web-studio performs a wide range of other works. If you have not found the service you need, then no problem. Contact support service on the contacts in the header of the site, a specialist will prompt you options for solving your problem, will consult informationally.

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