Standard Joomla XML field type – Password

Standard field type Joomla XML – Password displays a plain text field for filling in the password. When you enter data into the field, the characters are hidden dots. Joomla XML field type – Password works in Joomla versions 2.5 and above.

Note that the data string is stored in params.ini as plain text and is not hidden by the hash function. This storage method does not guarantee a secure way to store passwords.

This field supports attributes:

Example of a field in the CMS Joomla 3:

Joomla XML Standard Field Type - Password — Example on Joomla 3

Example of a field in CMS Joomla 4 and Joomla 5:

Joomla XML Standard Field Type - Password — Example on Joomla 4

The XML code of the field from the example looks like this:

       description="Enter the desired password"/>
Standard Joomla XML field type - Password
Joomla XML Form Generation

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